Saturday, March 14, 2020

So you didnt get the jobnow what - TheJobNetwork

So you didnt get the jobnow what - TheJobNetworkIn the course of your job search, youve probably come across someone who talks about how they lucked into some great opportunity, clicked with an interviewer right away, and basically walked away with a job offer on the spot. And you probably hate that person a little, especially if youve experienced what just about all of us have at some point a rejection after going through the application process. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) Lets face it that rejection always stings, even if you know you werent a good fit or you didnt have a good interview. Thinking you may not get a job and the confirmation of that fact feel like two different things. So how do you cope after you get the call, email, or deafening silence that confirms the worst?Mourn it a little, but then move on.This is a disappointment. Its okay to embrace that, but its really not worth wallowing for too long. Whether you were the next choice on the list or dead last in the rankings, the end result is the same, so why dwell? Even if you had your heart set on this new gig and envisioned yourself getting that sweet, sweet offer letter, you cant let the disappointment derail your progress in your job hunt.Dont expect specific intel on why you werent hired.Unless youre told directly that they didnt hire you for X reason, youre probably never going to know for sure exactly why you lost out on this job. Dont look for closure from the company, because you might be disappointed in what you get. If you ask for specific feedback, you may get it, but its just as likely youll get a response like, we decided to go in a different direction.Remember that it doesnt mean youre un-hireable.It can be tempting to personalize the decision. Why didnt they want to hire ME? What did I do to make this happen? Chances are, it wasnt you, personally, who triggered the rejection. Maybe someone else had a few mora experience points or ac ed the interview. Just because this particular company decided not to hire you does not mean youre fundamentally flawed as a candidate or that it will affect your options on your next application.Consider it a chance to regroup.Getting a rejection is a chance to take an honest look at what happened at every step of the process (review your resume, reflect on the interview) and decide what you can improve for next time. It can make you leaner and meaner, and ready for the next job to come along. Were you as prepared as you could have been? Did the interview go well or were there things youd change? Can your resume be more targeted and reflective of your top skills? These are important questions to ask after any job rejection.Not getting the job is also a chance to think about what your job search goals are. Did you really want this job? Do you want to continue looking for this specific kind of job after all? The bottom line is that this is a good chance to re-evaluate yourselfboth as a potential employee and as a job seeker.After any job rejection, its important to remember that its not the end of the world. Its a letdown for sure, but for whatever reason, this job just wasnt right. At some point, the stars will align, and youll find an employer who thinks youre a perfect match for their job opening. Dont lose your motivation or your faith in yourselfsee it as an opportunity to learn from the experience and move on to the next thing.

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